It's Officially Spring,Y'all!

When we first took possession of our building in July of 2018, there was a bird's nest in our awning, which was quickly removed. Last Spring, Roscoe and Phoebe returned from down south and proceeded to rebuild their nest in the awning. We delighted in watching them build (rather quickly, I might add!), and later have and raise two sets of baby birds. Our little bird family provided a great deal of entertainment, and we have missed them since they headed south late last summer.
We've been watching for them, and today Tim caught them checking out their spring & summer digs. This is a photo taken just a few minutes ago of Phoebe inspecting her nest to ensure that it is ready to accommodate her babies. Roscoe was nearby, making sure that nothing was going to harm his sweet gal. As I am typing, I can hear them at the door announcing their arrival to the neighborhood.
We will keep you posted with the comings and goings of the YVQ swallows! When you're in the neighborhood, stop in for a visit. We just ask that you look without giving them any cause for alarm.